what is charisma and what does it do?

Project Overview


⭢ CHARISMA, aims to devise next-generation Maritime Surveillance technology leveraging on heterogeneous autonomous robotic architectures, including unmanned aerial, sea surface and underwater vehicles. Key to this innovation is devising both hardware and software that can be attached as an add-on to existing fleets of Unmanned Vehicles (UVs).


⭢ By combining the expertise, intellectual property and Proof of Concepts in distributed applications (Algolysis Ltd), maritime research and robotics (CMMI), and digital twins and machine learning (CYENS), we will develop a next generation framework for Maritime Surveillance, that will ensure reliable, robust and dependable data collection, provide a comprehensive digital representation of critical situations for better assessment, and will support decision making and high-level control of UV Swarms by competent operators. The entire framework will be validated and demonstrated in a relevant environment (TRL6). Specifically, the addon device will be deployed over a set of heterogeneous UVs with advanced swarming behaviours capable of specifically monitoring maritime infrastructure (e.g. aquaculture facilities).


⭢ The addon will enable UVs to collectively form a mesh network for communication at the lower-level, on top of which a Distributed Shared Memory (DSM) service will be deployed. The DSM will act as the connective tissue for decentralised data exchange that will be critical for devising advanced swarming algorithms to conduct Maritime Surveillance. These swarming behaviours will be largely based on data fusion Machine Learning models. To monitor and control these capability-augmented UV swarms, a Maritime Surveillance Digital Twin will also be implemented

UVs / Unmanned Vehicles


CHARISMA is rather multifaceted but can be simplified in four key ambitions

(DTS) Distributed
Data Sharing

To develop and validate a state-of-the-art hardware addon for all types of Unmanned Vehicles (land, sea and air) to facilitate swarm communication and distributed data sharing through a DSM service deployment.

ML/RL Algorithms

Design and Implement ML/RL algorithms for swarming behaviour and control of HUVs, leveraging the deployed DSM for UVs interaction and coordination.

Digital Twin

Develop a Digital Twin for Maritime Surveillance Mission Planning, Monitoring and Control.

Technology Demonstration

Validate all hardware and software components, as well as the swarming algorithm in a relevant environment.


Algolysis Ltd is a research, technology and innovation company focusing on tackling real-life problems by devising state-of-the-art algorithmic solutions. Founded in 2014, Algolysis is an active member of Cyprus’ innovation ecosystem and is currently undertaking projects related to distributed systems, mobile/sensor networks, data acquisition, visualisation and analysis. The company has a diverse research portfolio in computing, and its vision is to become a key technology provider in Cyprus and the south-east European region.

CMMI is a “Centre of Excellence in Marine and Maritime Research, Technology Development and Innovation”. With a local and global outlook, we aim to take advantage of the reality, that what is local in the Blue Economy, is also global, and vice versa.

CYENS Centre of Excellence is the Research and Innovation Centre of Excellence (CoE) in Cyprus in the area of Information and Communication Technologies focusing on Interactive media, Smart systems and Emerging technologies. The CoE fosters world-class research activities and at the same time aims to serve as a paradigm for bridging scientific research with innovation outside academia. It is a joint venture between the three public universities of Cyprus (University of Cyprus, Cyprus University of Technology, Open University of Cyprus), the Municipality of Nicosia, and two renowned international partners, the Max Planck Institute for Informatics (Germany) and University College London (UK).




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